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Showing posts from May, 2015

Why Sex is Sacred?

The dictionary defines sacred as "made or declared holy, dedicated or devoted exclusively to a use, purpose, or person worthy of reverence or respect."The word itself comes from the Latin, sacra meaning "sacred, holy, consecrated," that is, blessed or revered. The noun (singular) is sacrum, meaning a holy thing or place. While modern religions have defined sacred and spiritual as being separate from the body, from nature, and certainly from sex, the ancient Latin roots of the English language imply a different understanding. It is no coincidence that the word sacrum is also the anatomical term for the triangular bone at the base of the spine, the very place which Tantra tells us is the seat of the sleeping kundalini or Shakti energy. When aroused through Tantric practice, the kundalini rises up the spine to awaken the spiritual centers in the brain. So our language suggests that once upon a time, Western Civilization understood the sacred nature of sex. This w